Data Dictionary
Variable Name |
Description |
State |
State the program is in |
Institution |
Name of the institution program is in |
Special Education Program Website |
Website of program |
Indicate institution type |
Type of institution program is in |
Region |
Region program is located in |
Address |
Address program is located in |
City |
City program is located in |
Zip Code |
Zip Code program is located in |
Undergraduate or Combined Undergrad & Masters |
If program's institution offers an BS |
Format for Undergraduate/Combine Undergraduate & Masters |
Format If program's institution offers an BS |
Masters degree for Educators with Current Special Ed Licensure/ Certification |
If program's institution offers an MS for Current Special Ed |
Format for Masters degree for Educators with Current Special Ed Licensure/ Certification |
Format If program's institution offers an MS for Current Special Ed |
Masters degree for General Educators desiring Special Education Licensure/Certification |
If program's institution offers an MS for General Ed |
Format for Masters degree for General Educators desiring Special Education Licensure/Certification |
Format If program's institution offers an MS for General Ed |
Master’s degree for Initial Licensure in Special Education |
Format for Master’s degree for Initial Licensure in Special Education |
Format If program's institution offers an MS for Initial Licensure for Special Ed |
Special Education Minor leading to Licensure/ Certification |
If program's institution offers Special Ed minor |
Endorsements (Add-on to certification) |
If program's institution offers Special Ed endorsements |
Doctoral (Ed.D, Ph.D) |
If program's institution offers Special Ed Ed.D and/or Ph.D |
Specializations |
If program's institution offers Special Ed Specializations |
Non-degreed Programs Leading to Licensure |
If program's institution offers non-degreed programs leading to licensure |
Special_Education_Data.UNITID |
The unique ID assigned to every IPEDS Institution |
Special_Education_Data.ZIP |
Zip Code |
Special_Education_Data.COUNTYCD |
Unique code of the county |
Special_Education_Data.State |
State of the Institution |
Special_Education_Data.Institution |
Name of Institution |
Special_Education_Data.Alias |
Alias of Institution |
Special_Education_Data.Inst_System |
The system in which the institution Resides |
Special_Education_Data.LONGITUD |
Longitude |
Special_Education_Data.LATITUDE |
Latitude |
Special_Education_Data.LOCALE |
A 12-level variable of various locales (e.g. small city). |
Special_Education_Data.C18SZSET |
An irrelevant Code |
Special_Education_Data.locale.1 |
Urban, rural, suburban, small town coded |
Special_Education_Data.Type |
Two year, four year, or other |
Special_Education_Data.CC_2Year_Grad |
100% graduation rate of 2-year institutions |
Special_Education_Data.CC_3Year_Grad |
150% graduation rate of 2-year instituions |
Special_Education_Data.CC_4Year_Grad |
200% graduation rate of 2-year institutions |
Special_Education_Data.Admitted |
Number admitted |
Special_Education_Data.Applied |
Number applied |
Special_Education_Data.Accept_Rate |
Acceptance Rate |
Special_Education_Data.Tot_Enrolled |
Total Enrolled |
Special_Education_Data.Uni_4Year_Grad |
100% graduation rate of 4-year institutions |
Special_Education_Data.Uni_6Year_Grad |
150% graduation rate of 4-year instituions |
Special_Education_Data.Uni_8Year_Grad |
200% graduation rate of 4-year institutions |
Special_Education_Data.Cost_Off_Campus |
Estimated cost off campus |
Special_Education_Data.Cost_on_Campus |
Estimated cost on campus |
Special_Education_Data.Tuition_Dist_UG |
In-district tutition for undergraduates |
Special_Education_Data.Tuition_State_UG |
In-state tuition for undergraduates |
Special_Education_Data.Tuition_OutState_UG |
Out-of-state tuition for undergraduates |
Special_Education_Data.Tuition_Dist_Grad |
In-district tutition for graduates |
Special_Education_Data.Tuition_State_Grad |
In-state tuition for graduates |
Special_Education_Data.Tuition_OutState_Grad |
Out-of-state tuition for graduates |
Special_Education_Data.Stu_Fac |
Student to faculty ratio |
Special_Education_Data.Cnty_Median_Household_Income |
Median household income of the institutution's county |
Special_Education_Data.tot_pov |
Total number of people in poverty by county |
Special_Education_Data.tot |
Total number of people in county |
Special_Education_Data.Percent_Poverty |
Percent in poverty by county |
Special_Education_Data.NAME |
Name of the state |
Special_Education_Data.GEOID |
Geographic identifier |
Special_Education_Data.X2009 |
Population in state in 2009 |
Special_Education_Data.X2019 |
Population in state in 2019 |
Special_Education_Data.popchange |
Change in population between 2009 and 2019 |
Special_Education_Data.percentpopchange |
Percent population change between 2009 and 2019 |
Special_Education_Data.Abbrev |
State abbreviation |
CoL.Value |
Cost of Living Value |
CoL.Index |
Cost of Living Index |
CoL. Grocery |
Cost of Living Grocery |
CoL.Housing |
Cost of Living Housing |
CoL.Utilities |
Cost of Living Utilities |
CoL.Transportation |
Cost of Living Transportation |
CoL.Health |
Cost of Living Health |
CoL.Misc. |
Cost of Living Misc |
Zipcode.average house value |
Average Household Value by Zipcode |
| sales tax |
Total Household Tax by Zipcode |
Zipcode.state sales tax |
State Household Tax by Zipcode |
Zipcode.Gini index |
State Gini by Zipcode |
Zipcode.aggregate household income |
Aggregate Household Income by Zipcode |
Teacher Salary.Average Annual Teacher Salary |
State Average Annual Teacher Salary |